25 February 2010

Rubric for Heart of Darkness


Advanced (10) Proficient (6) Needs Improvement (4) Does Not Meet Standard (0)

Content:  Identification of structures, social constructions
Identifies and defines a wide array of details, reasons, examples, facts, definitions through extensive research and support

Analysis: Theoretical framing and positioning, then and now

Interprets content with a clear awareness of theory, including playing forward to contemporary society

24 February 2010

Turn-It-In Directions


1. Access www.Turnitin.com

2. Click on the button that says "Create an Account," then “New Users”

3. Scroll down to the box entitled “Create a new account”

4. Click on “student”

5. Enter the following information to this page:

E period class ID = 3155383
Password = e_period

F period class ID= 3155391
Password = f_period

B period class ID= 3155397
Password = b_period

C period class ID= 3155401
Password = c_period

6. Complete the rest of the online form with your unique user information and read the user agreement

7. Click on the box that reads “I agree - - create profile”

23 February 2010

Conrad’s Heart of Darkness and Achebe’s Response

Sociocultural Interpretations around the World of Literature

Overview: You’ve done it: you’ve read all three sections of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. You reviewed three lengthy study guides in order to deepen your reading comprehension. You've read a counterpoint peer-reviewed, scholarly article by the Nigerian author, Achebe.  Now you’re ready to synthesize what you read!

Today in class, you will create your own text that will coalesce the primary Conrad text, the critical analysis from Achebe, and your own interpretations.

How will you begin?

First, review the ten talking points that you found significant in Achebe’s peer-reviewed, scholarly analysis, “An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness.”

Second, step back and begin to design your own interpretation. Look at the big picture, thematically speaking. Rise beyond tension --- of which there is a significant amount --- and look to underlying meanings. Settle on what certain areas of interest arise for you as grounded in sociocultural theory.

Third, create a chart in Microsoft Word with the following criteria in the header row.
a) Achebe talking point
b) Conrad direct excerpt
c)Your synthesis/ interpretation [2-3 sentences]

Fourth, choose five of the Achebe talking points from yesterday's assignment.  For each Achebe talking point, locate a specific Conrad direct except that offers a window for interrogation.  Finally, write 2-3 well-designed and concise sentences that interpet both the Achebe and Conrad excerpts by adding new dimensions and nuance through sociocultural analysis.

Note:  You may not utilize any of the Conrad direct excerpts that Achebe uses as support for his own argument. You may not consult with any other materials than those noted on this assignment sheet, with the exception of the chart of sociocultural terms also located on this blog. http://drcarolynsblog.blogspot.com/2009/12/seniors-definitions-for-theoretical.html

Fifth, when you’re done, turn in your assignment to Ms. Fortuna.

Finally, with any time remaining, review all three study guides in preparation for two days in class (Wednesday and Thursday) for a graded, full-class discussion of Conrad’s novel.