27 November 2009

Seniors' blogs for Critical Commentary

Below is a list of seniors' blogs. 

Abby www.abbyfhsblogs.blogspot.com

Alessa www.silentalessa.blogspot.com

Anniee www.annieesblog.blogspot.com

Athena www.blogofathena.blogspot.com

Baldwin http://www.baldwins-blog.blogspot.com

Beatrice www.blogofbeatrice.blogspot.com

Brandy www.brandysblog13.blogspot.com

Chloe www.chloesawesomeblog-chloe.blogspot.com

DeMarcus www.getthatchocomilk.blogspot.com

Draco www.dracosblogger.blogspot.com

Elaine www.insaneelainsblog.blogspot.com

Elijah www.elijahsbigblogday.blogspot.com

Elliot http://www.elliotsotherblog.blogspot.com/

Carl  http://www.carlsmarks.blogspot.com/

Kasandra www.kasandrarocks.blogspot.com

Koll www.kollsblog.blogspot.com

Lucy www.blogofluigi.blogspot.com

Madaline www.madelinesfhsblog.blogspot.com

Marie www.mariesblogspot24.blogspot.com

Micahel www.michaelsmagnificentblog.blogspot.com

Mikaela http://www.mikaela23.blogspot.com/

Rhonda www.rhondasblogyah.blogspot.com

Sandra www.Sandrasblog7.blogspot.com

Scarlett www.scarlett-scarlettsblog.blogspot.com

Susanna www.susannasenglishblog.blogspot.com

Zeke http://zekeamroseblog.blogspot.com

23 November 2009

Thanksgiving recess updates for seniors

What's due after the Thanksgiving recess? What should each of CF's seniors have prepared for return to school on Monday, November 30?

1) You should have completed reading Othello, by William Shakespeare.   We'll have a full-class sharing session and discussion on Monday.  CF will participate in this ungraded discussion, unlike the previous Socratic Seminar, which you ran.

2)  Complete the "Online Persona Roleplay:  Advertisement Analysis" that we discussed in class on Monday, November 23.  Remember to post your work on your blog, as we'll be engaging in critique of theoretical frameworks on Tuesday, December 1 in the Tech Center on the Pod 30 workstations.
Happy Thanksgiving to you, your family, your loved ones, and to all the people near and far who influence our lives in small and often unknown ways.

(almost) Dr. Carolyn

Thanksgiving recess updates for juniors

What's due after the Thanksgiving recess?  What should each of CF's juniors have prepared for return to school on Monday, November 30?

1) You should complete reading chapter six of The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

2)  Also, you should have revised the "Dreams" freewriting that we composed in class on Wednesday, November 18 and Thursday, November 19 into a two page (maximum) persuasive essay.  This essay will take any position you want on the nature of "dreams." For example, why do people dream?  What is the function of "dreams" for the collective good of a society?  How can "dreams" become illusions that distract individual and drag them down from their life potentials?

These and many, many other questions can become possibilities for you to consider as you formulate your own question and your own persuasive response.  We'll all be looking forward to sharing these persuasive essays about "dreams" when we return from recess through posting on our blogs.

3) [optional] Oh, and, by the way, have you updated your blog lately?  If not, why don't you get a head start over vacation? Time you spend now will alleviate time you'll have to spend upon return from recess...

Happy Thanksgiving to you, your family, your loved ones, and to all the people near and far who influence our lives in small and often unknown ways.

(almost) Dr. Carolyn