10 September 2009

Digital Magazine for Juniors

You will design a digital magazine that incorporates your own original compositions and visuals. Each prose composition must be about 100 words; each poem must be two stanzas/ eight lines long. These compositions have their origins in the work we have done together in class.

Digital Platform:
You will import and design your digital magazine on the internet platform called a “blog.” You can access the blog program at http://www.blogger.com/ You will need to set up an account with ‘blogger,’ which we will do together in class in the technology center.

Once you create a blog for the Digital Magazine project, you must let Dr. Carolyn know the url for your blog. She will guide you along your composition and design process by reviewing your blog periodically.

Your privacy:
You will be required to use a pseudonym (fake name) while publishing on the internet for class assignments. You and Dr. Carolyn will work together to choose an appropriate name.

Session One:
Please choose three of the following four writing events from this past week’s lessons.

Ø “My Inspirational Motto”
Ø “Media and Technology Metaphors of My Life”
Ø “Memory Map”
Ø “Poem of Happiness”

Input them into your newly created blog. Use the “import images” icon to add images to your blog.

Have fun!

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