09 September 2009

Our Town Project Rubric

The student has created a project that meets the requirements of the project description through print and visual means (audio is optional but would receive extra points). The project is, overall, well-designed, colorful, imaginative, original, and insightful. 8

The student has identified the significant areas of our town and delineated as to what makes those the centers of activity. 5

The student has incorporated a plethora of sights, sounds, people and/or activities that might be encountered there. Additionally, there are some types of markers that indicate the special moments, characters, stories and/or images that might be found at these particular sites. 5

The student has signified in clever ways how some areas of our town are appealing and others are unappealing and why. 5

The student has recreated unique sensory perceptions: sights, sounds, smells, textures, textures). 5

Possible score. 28

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